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Hey everyone! I'm Kelsey. Ever since I can remember, fashion has been a huge part of my life. When I was younger, I would change my clothes like five times a day and model my outfit creations for my family. My parents used to call me their 'little fashion designer'. When I was in high school, I started getting really into watching beauty and fashion vloggers on YouTube. Ever since then, it has been a dream of mine to do something along those lines, and a blog is the perfect fit for me! I hope to share some style tips and advice with people other than friends and family through this platform. Don’t be alarmed if a few blog posts about interior design, party planning, food, or travel slip through the cracks. I’d like to expand my blog a little beyond just fashion! I am currently in school to be a special education teacher, but I will never put my passion for fashion on the back burner. 
If you're interested, browse my blog and check out some of the outfits I have thrown together and more! Thanks so much for the support in advance :)

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